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“ Christopher, Christopher, what will you do,
If the fishes refuse to be caught by you ;
If the small creatures glide into sand holes, and hide,
Or swim far and wide, out to sea, from you ?”
‘At the edge of the sea, I shall wait patiently,
Till the shrimps and the fishes come swimming to me.”
“Christopher, Christopher, tired you will get,
Sorely your arms will ache throwing the net;
When the daylight is past, and the darkness comes fast,
You ’ll be hungry, and thirsty, and weary, and wet.”
Brave little Christopher, boldly he goes,
Along the wet sand, where the cold water flows.
M RS. DUCK abroad you see,
With all her sons and daughters,
Swimming there to take the air,
And try the river waters;
Says she to her young family,
“ Dont flutter so, and flurry,
No dangers hide on either side—
fame ducks need never hurry;
The little man with little gun and bullets made of lead,
Went to the wood to shoot wz/d ducks ; and he has long been dead.”