DEE breakfast laid ready, the letters all come,
Rose, Geoffrey, and Pussy alone in the room.
The Library door stands ajar, we descry
Neither father, nor mother, nor anyone nigh.
Pray, how can this be? Is the whole household late?
No! the clock shows it still wants a quarter to eight;
So little Rose sits in her Mother’s place there,
Whilst brother Geoff reads with a serious air—
Says sister to brother, in Mother’s own way,
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Reads Geoffrey sedately, " State Concert and Ball"—
“ Delightful,” cries Rose. ‘“‘ Do, dear Geoff, read it all.”
“‘ Stuff and nonsense,” he answers, “I certainly shan’t:
The Parliament news is the thing that I want.
Ah! good, here I have it—Debate on Home Rule.”
“What is it?” she asks, ‘some new law against School ?”
“* There—just like you women—so silly !” he cries.
“Oh! brother!” says Rose, with big tears in her eyes,
‘That isn’t like Father, one bit now, you know—
You’re spoiling it all, Geoff. Please don’t answer so,”