crossed the court, she said to one of the officers of
the court, “Bring me the list of the singers in the
last concert!” on which the wretched Hatter
trembled so, that he
shook both his shoes
“Give your evi¬
dence,’ the King re¬
peated angrily, ‘or
Ill have you executed,
whether you're ner¬
vous or not.”
c HG
m a poor man,
Hatter began, in a
trembling voice, “and
| hadnt begun my tea—not above a week or
so—and what with the bread-and-butter getting
so thm—and the twinkling of the tea——"
“The twinkling of what?” said the King.
“It began with the tea,” the Hatter replied.
“Of course twinkling begins with a T'!” said