“I never heard of Uglification, ” Alice ven¬
tured to say. ‘‘ What is it?”
The Gryphon lifted up both its paws in sur¬
prise. ‘‘ Never heard of uglifying!” it exclaimed.
“You know what to beautify is, I suppose 2 ’
“Yes, said Alice, doubtfully : “ it means—to—
‘ Well, then,” the Gryphon went on, “if you
dont know what to ugelify is, you are a
Alice did not feel encouraged to ask any
more questions about it, so she turned to the
Mock Turtle, and said, “ What else had you to
learn ?”
‘Well, there was Mystery,” the Mock Turtle
replied, counting off the subjects on his flappers,—
“ Mystery, ancient and modern, with Seaography :
then Drawling—the Drawling-master was an old
conger-eel, that used to come once a week: he
taught us Drawling, Stretching, and Fainting in
Coils.” |
“What was that like?” said Alice.