OCR Output

»The world of —
Janos Eifert

» We were all born to live in the ark. Time is

flowing with us like a river towards the other shore,
and few of us are able to stop it. After photography
was born in the nineteenth century together with
the developing civilian life, many exclaimed so:
nthe art of painting has come to an end”. Time
went on slowly and the art of painting did not
vanish. ,,Photography stiffened time into an ima¬
ge” - the next sigh of anxiety came. Yes, indeed,
in the course of documentary photography it did,
when its role was to do so. But the photo-artist
- although his camera often works with a fraction of
a moment of time - creates the image with his own
nerves and the machine is only an obedient servant
in his hands.

Remember the photos of Janos Eifert!

The dancers gliding past make you weave their
steps and motions on and on in your mind. You do
not even need to shut your eyes to hear the music
and see the torrent of the revolving couples. The
image Eifert captured in a photo is rolling, flowing,
streaming on in you. You can feel that you are not
alone any more. Running towards the other shore
is not hopeless, because the other shore is rolling

Have you ever seen one of his early photos: , The
gardeners hand?" Callous hands, encrusted by
mud, sun and hard work are holding planted life
like a protecting shield. It is a seedling, which will
take the courage to fight against the destructive
elements of nature in order to grow to be a
productive plant. We do not know, whether it will
be able to win its perpetual battle, but we have
no doubt about its fate. With this plant time has
stopped indeed. It was not the camera and not
the master taking the photo of the image who has
turned the river into a still lake, but the artist in

János Eifert, the artist composing in his heart and
in his soul. He is the ark himself, and is able to
retain those from the end who entrust themselves
to him. This is the way his photos become eternal,
and it is a merely matter of detail whether he takes
this miracle with a modern Japanese camera or
with an old-fashioned machine. It is thought that
is important, which is materialized in the atoms
of the perceptible world and became the truth of
eternal validity.

Dance, form and nature were transformed into
his own world in him. His universe has no borders
limited by time. It is endless like nature, which
transforms and shows us mostly its miraculous
faces, but it never fades. Works of art begin where
man becomes an artist. The artist continues to
exist where work of art becomes eternal.

Janos Eifert does not see the world through
the lens, but the world makes its way in front of
his lens. The artist selects from the details in an
artistic way. Digital photography and compu¬