154 PINOCCHIO I need not tell you that the whiting, the sardines, the soles, the crabs, and the anchovies were all thrown promiscuously into the pan to keep company with the mullet. The last to remain in the net was Pinocchio. No sooner had the fisherman taken him out than he opened his big green eyes with astonishment, and cried, half-frightened: ‘“ What species of fish is this? Fish of this kind I never remember to have eaten! ”’ And he looked at him again and having examined him well, he ended by saying: " I know: he must be a craw-fish.” Pinocchio, mortified. at being mistaken for a craw-fish, said in an angry voice: " A craw-fish indeed! do you take me for a craw-fish? I tell you that I am a puppet.” " A puppet?” replied the fisherman. ‘ To tell the truth, a puppet is quite a new fish for me. I shall eat you with greater pleasure.” " Kat me! but will you understand that I am not a fish? Do you hear that I talk and reason as you do?” “That is quite true,” said the fisherman; “and as I see that you are a fish possessed of the talent of talking and reasoning, I will treat you with all the attention that is your due.” ‘ And this attention? .. .” “Tn token of my friendship and particular