XX LIBERATED FROM PRISON, HE STARTS TO RETURN TO THE FAIRY S HOUSE; BUT ON THE ROAD HE MEETS WITH A HORRIBLE SERPENT, AND AFTERWARDS HE IS CAUGHT IN A TRAP OU can imagine Pinocchio’s joy when he x found himself free. Without stopping to take breath he immediately left the town and took the road that led to the Fairy’s house. On account of the rainy weather the road had become a marsh into which he sank knee-deep. But the puppet would not give in. Tormented by the desire of seeing his father and his little sister with blue hair again he ran and leapt like a greyhound, and as he ran he was splashed with mud from head to foot. And he said to himself as he went along: “ How many misfortunes have happened to me . . . and I deserved them! for I am an obstinate, passionate puppet. . I am always bent upon having my own way, without listening to those who wish me well, and who have a thousand times more sense than I have! . . . But from this time forth I am determined to change and to become orderly and obedient. . . . For at last I have seen that disobedient boys come to no good and gain nothing, And will my papa have waited 102