18 PINOCCHIO you make your presents, Master Antonio? You have almost lamed me!.. .” " I swear to you that it was not I!.. .” ‘Then you would have it that it was I?...” ‘ The wood is entirely to blame!.. .” " I know that it was the wood; but it was you that hit my legs with it!...” " I did not hit you with it!.. .” ae Wt eat ‘“ Geppetto, don’t insult me or I will call you Polendina!.. .” c € Ass! 29 ‘ Polendina! ” Donkey!” " Polendina! ” " Baboon! ” " Polendina! ” On hearing himself called Polendina for the third time Geppetto, blind with rage, fell upon the carpenter and they fought desperately. " When the battle was over, Master Antonio had two more scratches on his nose, and his adversary had two buttons too little on his waistcoat. ‘Their accounts being thus squared they shook hands, and swore to remain good friends for the rest of their lives. Geppetto carried off his fine piece of wood and, thanking Master Antonio, returned limping to his house.