338 LAWRENCE, JAMES, Gresham House, Darlington. LAWRENCE, Sir JAMES CLARKE, Bart., 23 Hyde Park Gardens, W. LAWRENCE, Sir WILLIAM, 75 Lancaster Gate, W. LAWRENCE Bros., 28 High Street, Weston-superMare. Lawson, C. GRIFFIN, C.E., The Green, Southgate, N. LAWSON, HARRY LAWSON WEBSTER, 37 Grosvenor Square, W. Lawson, W. N., 19 Dorset Square, N.W. LAWTON, EDGAR H., 3 Savage Gardens, Tower, EC. Laycock, JOSEPH, 37 Briggate, Leeds. Layron, ALBERT HENRY, 21 Great George Street, Westminster, S.W., LAYTON, Epwin, 39 Loftus Road, Shepherd’s Bush, W. LAYTON, JOHN, 3 Mincing Lane, E.C. Layton, THOMAS, F.S.A., C.C., Kew Bridge, Middlesex. LAYTON, Rev. W. E., M.A., 8 Queen Street, Ipswich. LEA, WILLIAM, 10 Dalmore Road, West Dulwich, S.E. LEADENHALL PREss, THE, E.C. 17 Carleton Road, N. CHARLES FREDERICK, Hale Staines, Middlesex. j LEDGER, ROBERT G., 12 Vanbrugh Park Road, Blackheath, S. E. Lepsam, D. B., 43 Egerton Gardens, S.W. LEE, JAMEs, 78 Warwick Gardens, Kensington, W. LEE, JOHN HARcouRT, 10 New Inn, Strand, W.C. LEE, RICHARD, Headmaster, Christ’s Hospital, E.C. LEE, SYDNEY H., A.C.A., 130 Ramsden Road, Balham, S.W. LEE and PEMBERTONS, 44 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, W.C. LEECH, Mrs., 4 Kensington Palace Gardens, W. LEEs, EDWARD B., Thurland Castle, Kirkby Lonsdale. Lees, Rev. SAMUEL, 67 Hill Top, West Bromwich. LEAKE, House, "a = —— "iz Lecce, D. 'T., 56 Paternoster Row, E.C. a Lecce, Henry J., Hollyfield, Surbiton Hill, — Kingston-on-Thames. LEGH, J. P., Villa St. Francois, Croix des Gardes, Alpes Maritimes, Cannes, France. EGERTON, ‘Twemboro’ Hall, Chapel. LEMOINE, HENRY GEORGE BENJAMIN, Moor End, Cleckheaton, Normanton, Yorkshire. LENDON, WILLIAM HENRY, Holmleigh Covers, Cope Road, Beckenham, LENG, JOSEPH W., 33 Paternoster Row, E.C. LENNARD, ARTHUR, 5 Crown Office Row, Temple, E.C. LENNOX, Major-General SussExX WILLIAM, 23 Elm Park Gardens, S. W. LENNOX, Lady WILLIAM, 40 Elizabeth Street, Eaton Square, S.W. LEON, Miss, 34 Princes Square, Bayswater, W. LEONARDT, C. D., 100 Charlotte Street, Birming- a ham. | LESLIE, ALEXANDER, 110 Kennington Road, S.E. LESLIE, D. C., 15 Furnival’s Inn, E.C. LEIGH, Holmes LESTER, EDWARD, 4 King Edward Road, Rochester. LETTS, CHARLES, and Co., 3 Royal Exchange, E.C. Levi, W. J., 164 High Street, Stourbridge. Levy, J., 59 Fenchurch Street, E.C. Levy, JoNAs, 4 Verulam Buildings, Gray’s Inn, Wt: Lewes, Lieut.-Colonel G. ALBAN, Royal Military College, York Town, Surrey. Lewis, Rev. ARTHUR, The Parsonage, Little — Bredy, Dorchester, Dorset. Lewis, FRED. W., 23 Beaufort Road, Clifton, Bristol. { Lewis, H. K., 136 Gower Street, W.C. LEwis, JAMES, Selkirk. ! Lewis, STUART A., 50 Rectory Square, Stepney, E. — Lewis, W. Tuomas, 22A Queen Anne’s Gate, — Westminster, S. W. Lewis, WILLIAM, Bath Herald, Bath. LIBOTTAN, Miss SARAH A. C., 3 Craven Street, Strand. a pe ij Li L a