we — ae a Nicholas ‘ Olaf.” St. Peter ‘le Poor" is described about the year 1170 as “ parvus,” the little, to distinguish it, no doubt, Írom St. Cornhill. Although many of the Peter on churches have perished, the old parochial names are still constantly to be seen by any one who perambulates the city, and the old parochial boundaries are rigidly marked and kept. We may briefly call atten189 the wine merchants who came from the The difficulty here is with Paternoster Lane. How did it come by that name? St. Nicholas “ Acons” may have something King’s dominions over the sea. to do with oaks or an oak. Perhaps a tree grew near it. But the most rational explanation is that the church was built by Hacon, who was an early alderman. Nicholas "Cole Abbey” is probably a corruption of St. Nicholas Colby, and refers to a founder or restorer. St. Nicholas ‘“Olave” may be similarly derived. In old documents it is St. A b a.F _ > ee er See eee et een Cnr 4 TOMB IN ST. HELEN'S CHURCH