100 THE CITY GOVERNMENT sub-sheriff. The sisal sheriffs of London are, strictly speak- Rees PS a RB ing, sub - sheriffs, and have not the place or precedence of the high sheriff of a county. This belongs to the mayor. At first the chamberlain and mayor was also coroner and escheator. Strange to say, we do not know when or how the office of mayor was instituted. It is sometimes dated in 1189, sometimes much later. The first. time atás mentioned is when the city had to be raising a ransom consulted as to for . Richara,.« f. I cannot help This was in II9I. thinking that the that or another name, really came into existence rather earlier; because we know that Richard’s great-grandfather, Henry I, and his father, iad szak Til Henry. "Ag, ‘were ST. BRIDE'S VICARAGE, BRIDEWELL PLACE office, whether by favourably disposed towards the city— as all strong rulers have been since then —and gave many privileges to _ the citizens. Henry | eranted them the county of Middlesex, with leave to appoint a sheriff for it, from