bé XA Noe?7e for December 1952. Bo. FROM THE USSR. “hile the attention of the free world has been largely concentrated on the outer trappings of recent moves in Soviet policies, such as the Stalin artickb and the Malenkov speech, they have regrettably missed the really important things that have happened in recent times. in the USSR, it is not what is sáád that is important, bat the facts and the facts alone. | there are, it seems, two facts which are of paramount | importance in the recent Soviet Congress. The first one of these | is that the insistence of the Soviets, that they are a workers! | Party, has been peacefully dropped. The attendance at the Congress, *| which the last time was still made up of 54% manyal workers, - had this time changed to 8 6 % bureaucrats and military personse The number of manual workers had dropped to less shan 10%; the rest being» made up of farmers and other undetermined personSe It was hence | absolutely obvious that the managerial revolution inside of the Soviet ruling Party had fully succeedede Henceforth only the | managers will have anything to say and it their appreciation of affairs, not the dreams of ideologists, which will exclusively determine Soviet policies. | The other important and also generally overlooked fact is that the re-organziation of the Party has been along the lines of strong centralization of the Party organization. Kegional autonomies have been brutally diminished and the new central leadership of the Party Secretariate has become the decisive factor. Obviously the new @residium of the Central Committee, with its 25 members, is not an organization meant to worke hough it was widely believed that this was the successor of the Politbureau, this is in fact absolutely wronge The true agendas of Politbureau, Ggbureau and the old Party Secreatariate have been transferred into the so-called Secredáriate of the Central Committee, with its 10 members, namely: Staliny Aristov, Brejnev, Ignatov, Malenkov, Mikhailov, Pegov, Ponomarenko, Suslov and Kruchtcheve the interesting point about this new center of power is that it contains neither Molotov nor Beriae In other worls, the present organization makes it absolutely clear that the only man outside of Stalin himself, among the highest ranking Soviet leaders, to hold now effective power in the Party is Malenkov. ‘It is furthermore very indicative that of the ten membbrs of the Secretariate seven are totally devoted to Malenkov, two might be inclined towards Beria, the last one being Stalin himself. In fact, not a single know Molotov supporter is in the Secre&a@riate. it is also interesting to note that, while the percentage of elder men in the ¥residium is relatively high, the Secretariate is composed of people in their fifties or less. In other words the so-called