eAel2. December 52. - page three A great center of Movict int» rest is also th e Czech int lligence services Ilready during the August conference, it was pointed out that thé Czech intelligence was not functioning well in comparison with its vast possibilities. With the number of Czechs outside of Czecho-Slovakia, many of whom have left-wing sympathies, it should be - it was pointed out - easy to have much better results than those which hitherto have been obtained. . The re-organization of the Czech intelligence is now under way. “ne countrges more especially assigned to Czecho-Slovakia will be’ 4ustria, West rn Germany, France, United States and Canada. In all those countries exists already a vast network of agents, many of whom have been planted many years agoe “ut the network does not give sufficient resultse A czech national who serv d in the Red Army intebligence, Lieutenant Colonel Vikoukal, has been assigned to the specifici task of reorganizing the Czech intelligence service in Canadae At present, Vikoukal is active in rrague, where he is trying to organize effectiv ly his new service. hitherto from the point of view of intelligence, Canada ani ths United States had been treated jointly. Now Canada has to become an independent section. the credits alloted to the new service sre at pres nt somewhat around 80.000 dollars a months “here these Uanadaian dollars come from, we do not knowe they do not come fully from the Czech “ational banké “his situation calls for closer attention on ti c part of Canadian suthorities, esp cially in connections with Czechs who, unuer disguise of refugees, will now try to infiltrate in Canada, since many of the left-wing emigration rarties are also infiltrated by communist agents, it-is clear that they cannot furnish a rehiable refemence on any more so-called refugees that will ap ear. A very interesting fact should be noted at the end: all the Germans now living or retained in Uzecho-blovakia are being registeres for military serv cee Main interest is concentrated on former members of the German Wehrmacht and of the waffen 3S. oofar, ve have been unable to learn, whether this conscription of vermans is made for the Hast German or for the ugech Armye This ought to becom: evident when the call-ups will take place, prohably early next springs. 18.