nm .9-g XrAolle Jecember 52. page four Christian vemocrats. ihey were the ones vho mde a coalition sith the MSI, ‘they are the ones who move Large popular following and are extending their action nyo all over Italy. A third movement is the ponarchist Front, dir cted by a young member of +arlinment Alliata. he latter movement is limited to Sicily, but is powerful there. The problem őőr Lauro and his men is a simple one: if they succeed to weld the three monarchist movem nts together into one Large singel group, they will obtain enough votes at the coming elections, so that no government could be formed without making appeal to theme. They then could impose their conditions. De Gasperi would be in ho position to deny them. So far, this unity is prevented more by personal antagonism, than by differences of program. If the *talian monarchists show enough wisdom to unite and to accept the dynami¢ program of Lauro, they will be able to impose their will. In that case, they can impose a plebiscite, probably towards the latter part of 1953 or the early part of 1954. But if the stay in their division, the mencuvers of de Gasperi will have a chance to succeed , thus taking away the monarchist vot s for at least four more years, which might be fatal to their plans. ‘Se 4