XsAeljelovember 52 - page three or a best oriental mentality and to the intelligence 6f the fact that a united Europe/can show any effective resistance to communistic pressure. As consequence, every news connected with the “uropean ynion is followed with the greatest interest behind the Iron Curtaine "he fear expressed sometimes in Western Germany that a “urope united under present conditions (vizeon the bagas of Western “urope alone) might give Easterners the feeling of being counted off ana forgotten, never occurs to people in the Hast. They know too well the forces involved and emphasize emphasize that only a strong West can be a guarantee for their eventual Liberationese. “his mentality once more becomes evident in the reactions received, speaking of "Magyar Jovo". They give as one of the paper's useful contributions that it helps them follow and understand what steps are taken to pring Western European countries closer together s : 5, - "Magyar Jovo" is revealing tee as to policies and goals of the resistance in satellite countries. The word given out to their people ist®more with brains than with strength". 4he fundamental idea is that resistance is possible and that it is a, dut every day and in every state of life. It has to be carried ou eter a minimum of sacrifices and a maximum of harm dong to the enemye thuxskwganxthrexn intexthexnasaesxbexngs Therefore not only mere courage is needed, but, al so and first of all, thinking an d practical prudence: a wolf in sheep skin indeed is more dangerous than a sheep in wolf Skin se On the basis of that general principle, whathremains fundamental, all Hungarians are called upon for decisive but prudent resistancee According to the appeal published through "Magyar Jove" it has a fourfold goal that every one can Serve: Save Hungarian lives; protect other Hungarians against being driven into moral and spiritual submissi' undermine the economic, political and strategic strength of the oppressive power whereever feasible; prepare for the future battle of liberation ee. Practiéal details are indicated in what way such program can be carried out effectively by any Hungarian citizen, and with a mimimum of useless danger and sacrifice involved see keactions to this type of appeal also have been most favorable. One informant in a rural area where this program was spread, said that it had immediate effect. veople are ready to make resistance end they do it all over the country. What they need to hear and have repeated however is the usefulness of EBXEN the smell and daily opposition and of the prudent action, in comparison to a showy, heroic deed that only leads to unnecessary and bloody repressione According to our observer theit was a notkeable decrease in agricultural production in the area he reported aboute It was done in a way that authopiies could not lay their finger on any individual or any case of "sabotage". Despite desperate efforts, agents responsible for the local ana regional production were unable to requisition the amount of grains and other agricultural goods, as had been the case a year ago and as was foressel in official planninge