XeAe12. November 52, - page five a This is the extreme leftist Party that was ovsted from power by the end of 1948, Its leader is former President Romulo Betancourt who has his headquartez in Costa Rica, “ man of great decision and ability, Betancourt is one of the highly inflvential figures in hatin Aneriean polities. Together with the ousted President of Cuba, Carlos p: , and with the Guatemalan leaders, he forms the head of erie: planning and action in the Caribbean area. Our observers fom Venezuela report that Accion Democratica has recently developed a much more indevendent activity, At a certain moment, it tried to induce the two legal opnosition parties into a common front and use then as stepping stone, This policy was however revised by the middle of Sentember, on orders received from Betancourt, Copei and the Democratic Republican Union are rerresented in "Aecion Democratica's" propaganda, as being weak and unreliable because of their de®isbhon > of going to the polls. Betancourt and his representative Leonardo huiz Pineda, on the contrary, have now given out the work of nonparticipation in thé elections, Their official reason given is that the forth-coming elections are undemocratic aB® the Hitler-type plebiscites or the elections behind the Iron Curtain. The trve reason is to establaish a democratic alibi that might impress the United States and to foster further disorder. The conditions prevailing in Columbia and Venezuela thus have much in common, Both countries are vital areas: they control the Caribbean Sea and the approaches to tre Panama Canals their production and economy are essential for the United States, Venezuela specifically is one of the ereat oil producing countries, with a wealth far aizove the one of Iranian or Arb#ian wells. Developments in those two countries should be closely watched, es they influence directly strategic defelorments in the Western Hemisphere. am em ll 4 Peru and Uruguay. Peru and Uruguay are the two countries that as yet hare not entered the Peron block,.But here too extreme right tendencies are inereasingly showing and might soon lead to most important new developments. * In Perug, the middle-of-the-way government is faced with a strong anti-US feeling. Since our last report on thé question, the tuna-fish problem has reached an acvte state. Besides its mining wealth, this production is Peru's greatest income and the United States its main market. In order to proteet their own national production, the United States have now applied new regulations and duties that actvally close the North American market to Peru's tuna fishe The resulting deep disatisfaction in the latter country has worked a great deal in favor of the extreme right. Its leader, Haya della Torre lives hided as refugee tinder friendly protection in Lima, He is a phenatic, something of a communistic fascist, with strong sympathies for the Argentine regime, Although an exalted and most instable person, he has a great power over his followers who truly idolize hím, This combination of an overpowering "national hero" and of vital economie interests involved explain the rapid swing to the right which Peru polities are taking. ¥ 46.