XoAs15se Octe 229 The fight hence is very open, and a lot cun happen between now end Novembere The campaign itself has changed a lot in the last fort nighte With the starting of President Truman, the level of discuss sion has hit an ineredible lowe In fact it has never been quite as iow as thate It must be said, that the Preqident is out to destroy General Eisenhower personally end morallye For that purpose he does not hesitate before the most incredible distortions of truth and be= fore the most brazen perversions of factse It is amazing to pehold, while following the President around, with what deep~exted hatred he pursues the man he only a short while ago was allegedly admiringe One close to him, explained this riddle to this observer as follows § up to recently, the Presidént had hoped to fing in General Bisenhower a stooge, willing to go in as a Rgpubliean and once in power to ¢co= ver up all the failures of the administration in the hendling of corrup= tion end especially the Communist issues On the latter matter there are still more then one undisclosee skeleton in the family cúpe boarde It was the President's feeling, that one could let Eisenhower sefely in, thus giving a change to public opinion without giving it in realitye Since the Taft-Eisenhower conversation and the agreement of Eisenhower with McCarthy and Jenner, the President suddenly éise covered to his intemse dismay, that the real foes of Communism and corruption were going to have a chance to clean out Washington. He discovered that Eisenhower was serious with his pledges on the two issuese "esüly afraid of what might happen if the full facts were told, the President then decided that everything must be made to prevent Eisenhower to get into the White Housee Hence his reckless fight, because it is a fight for lifee But this ugly way is having results with the most backward and ignorent elementse The President is a first-class demagoguee His fight nevertheless cen baekfire, if people really want a change as meny people saye Because right now it is quite obvious, that Stevenson is no longer en independent candidates He is the hend=picked man ofcirumane His past shows of independence are overe In fact it ean be seid that at this monent the fight is between Trumen end Eisenhowere These two count 3; they alone hold the real limelighte Stevenson seems, in the background, fighting it out with Senator Taft and Senator Nixons These three seem to be the second lines As to Senator Sparkmem, he is entirely deflated and eli-= minatede His statements are mostly ignored or pushed among the lo=cal newse Nobody seems really to be interested in his viewse As to the sage fo we already pointed out that there were only three which really interested the people % Korea, Corruption Communi sme S3.