OCR Output

X.AsNoeló for October 1952.


Before entering into thesurvey of the political situé
ation as it develops, there is an ihtelligence it em of the greaq
test importance. The Soviet Action in West German v has been
completely reorganized in its highest Russian brackets. Both
Intelligence and Political Warfare have received rew commanders
and entirely new directives, The Intelligence Section is hence=
forth in the hands of Soviet Lt. General Kubalov. The Political
Warfare Command is co-ordinated by Lt. General Pulkanin,

Both sections have received larger financial means,
Consequentie en offensive of unparalelled strength must be ex=
pected, According to best Intelligence, the East German Gover=
nement has appropriated for Political Warfare in West Germany
the mohhhly sum of 1,160,000 Deutsche Mark. This money will be
handled by the Political Werfare Command of General. Pulkanin,

In other words, the imdependent political warfare of the tast
German Republic has come to an end end is now merged with the

one waged by the USSR. We do not know, how much the USSR appro=
priates for that purpose. Nor do we know at present, whether

the subsidies for the West German Communist Party and Peace. Mo=
vement are included in that appropriation or note We rather doubt
át a

General Pulkanin!s first directive to his Agents was, 7
to spread everywhere a feeling of feer from the Soviets. ‘he
line 41s not to geil anything of the USSR. Nor to sell Communism,
The line at present is exclusively to sow fear, distrust in the
capacity of the Western Allies to withstand the Seviet push,
and hence to let the people themselves come to the conclusion,
that there is no sense for Germany to join the Atlantic Communi¬
ty or to join in the Western re-armament. Since this order was
issued, our observers are reporting from every corner of West
Germany that the line is faithfully followed, It has some influ=
ence on public opinion, though the decisive one the Soviets
hoped for. Our observers nevertheless say, that it is simply
frightening to watoh how far the organization of Soviet Politi¬
cal Warfare spreads. They point out, that at present itis al~
most impossible to go to a German Beer Hall or Restaurant or any
other pubilc place without hearing someone bring slowly the
conversation to the point where they can sell tne line. It is the
common gonsent of our top observers, that the Soviet Political
Warfare orgenizetion must have litterally thousands of Agents

working in the Sonn Kepyblic. And they also point out unanimously
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