| et £3 - page three = the fact that the Norwegiens have joined the Atlantic Pacte This worries the Swedes, since they feel that the Norwegians under the pact will be forced to declare war on en agressor - and they do not doubt that the only possible agressor would be the USSR. In case of a Norwegian declarutian of wars, Sweden would be entirely sur~ roundede On the other hand, if the Worwegiens would not declare war on the Russians, the Swedes speculate that the latter would be kept so busy on the Rhine and on the Pyrenees, that at least during the first period of war they would not think at attacking Skundinavia, The Swedes dream of being able thus to gain precious time, during which much could be changede Henee it is the fundamental thought of Swedish Foreign policy to create a Skendinavian Union instead of the Atlantic Pact. That is the purpose of the gre°t support given by Sweden to Finland, in order to keep it as it is today 3 and at the same time the non-offieiel efforts of Swedish Diplomavy to get Norway out of the Atlantic Pacts The final goal of the present Swedish Diplomacy is hence the creation of a powerful Skandinaviun Bloc with the aim of neutrality in World War III. The Swedes feel, that the Soviets would not attack such a bloe at least at the beginning, especially if this should be a powerfully amed neutralitye This 5106 would be primarily composed of Sweden, Finland and Norwaye Some Sredes would like to see Denmark included, but there ié much diversity of opinion on the subject. Hany Swedes argue, that Denmark is on the continent, and hence much more exposed to Soviet or American action, They add, that it would make little difference to them whether Denmark is occupied or note And since it is in a danze= single denger to the Skendinavien Bloc ; consequently many feel that it would be a good thing for Denmark to stay in the Atlantic Pacte ee Conceming Norway, the arguments put forwaré by the Swe Gish diplomeey are interesting. The Swedes feel that the Norwegian hrmy is not worth much, end that consequently an entry of Norway into a war would only mean the occupation of the co try in re= latively short time by the Russianse Would it not be agreater interest , so the Swedes ask, for the free nations, to see a neutral end unoccuphed Norway, rather than a Norway as base for Soviet submarines and for Soviet rocket attacks on England ? | This is then the foreign policy on which/all ‘tthe parties fuliy agreee This fact too makes for the great disinterest in which the coming elections are held by the pubiice \ - 6 : Ls ae. U4. ——EEEE