The incident of the plumes shot dom by the soviets has aroused widest enotione It is stili the topie of the daye Everybody agrees, that as it stands, i% will finally disappear in a maze of diplomatic documents. But the Swedes as a nation will never forget it. It is generally agreed, that the shooting — dom was a deliberate action by the Soviets, in order to tell the Swedes in no unmistakeable manner never again to approach the Bal= tic Coast by airs It is universally known that the Soviet Baltic bases have been greatly reinforced in recent months.e And tuey are only 120 Miles from the Island of Gotiend. There is no other reason for the action, and the Swedes have understoode The affair of the Soviet Military Eqgpionnage, 8180 known as Embom Affsii, is of much greater gravity, though Swedes are. extremely reluctant to speak of ite The reluctance is increased by the fact, that the matter is much farther reaching then meets the eyes It is a proof, that the Skendimavia countries are much more penetrated than had hitherto been pelieved. The deeper impli= eaxtions were revealed as foliows : the key person to the Uspionnage Ring is a former Secretary of Siute Bre Tike Manna, She organized the ring under the direction of Soviet Colonel Vaientin Grugorov, head of the Soviet Intelligence Department for Skendinaviae When Dr. Hanna was about to be arrested in Upsaia, and though less than ten persons knew of the plan, she received a timely warning and was able to escape with the aid of the Soviets to Russias The search of her abodes nevertheless permitted to discover a tot of other things. So it was found that the Soviets ned two illegal lending fields in Sweden - in Türündö and near Vaggeryd in South Sweden = on which they used to lend Agentse Dre Manna end her Associates placed then these agents in responsible positions of the administration end the economy and th s were able to gain access to the greatest secrets of the Swedish Defense, such as the exact plans of the Atomic airraid shelters, the anti-aircraft dispositions ete The amount of information which was thus funneiied through the net of Agents was enomous and alarmminge The reaction to these two incidents is that the Swedes are very much afraid of impending war in which they might be in= volvede And thus the people follow with the keenest interest any possibility to keep their country out of this ware Believing that World War III is not far off, this idea and general line of Swedish foreign policyy is general end universally acceptede rírst of all there is irritation in Sweden against Nor waye This is a traditional thing, ever since the separation early in this century. But there is now more to ite fhe Swedes resent