“oe XeAeN2 10 for September 1952» SWEDEN BEFORE THE ELECTIONS» Tis September Sweden will have new general electionse The observer coming to the country is hence struck by one extra ordinary fact $ most Swedes simply ignore the whole matter. Nine out of ten persons dont know even the date of the event, though it is only a few weeks off. There are practically no meetings of the political parties 3 there are no posters 3; press end radio ignore the event for all practical purposes. There never has been, in the memory of this observer,un election anywhere in this world which has been more universally ignored than the coming elections here in Swedemse A striking fact was a conversation this observer just had with a leader of the Swedish Conservative Partye This man told tihe observer, that the Conservatives would Have had a fighting chance to defeat the ruling’Socialists, end to form a coxlition Cabinete But, he added, this will not take place, since, despite the exis= ting rightwing trend, we have been utterly unable to arouse the _ publie or even gah public audience. Hence, he suid, the Socialists will most probably stay in power. 3 The reason for this unique state of affairs is twofolds first of all, it is the result of the Monarchye The Swedish Kings, far from being a figurehead only, is still a very great power in the country. His Cabinet has to 1 sten to him, ond his Ministers follow the ruler's advise, which is often and freely given, The result is, that the Socialists never fully carried out their pros gree, and that the Conservatives, liberals and Agrariens, when in power, also do not break with the general trend of affairs as set dow by the Socialists. Uder these ¢onéitions there is such a large measure of continuity, that the chenging of a majority only means superficial shifts and changes. In fact, both Socia= lists end Non-Socialists find such an advantage in this state of affairs, that no one is eager for changes. : But the second reason is also a powerful one $ it is the tack of interest in domestic affai ín view of the alarming intemational situation. And here, it is interesting to note, the Swedes take a much graver view of affairs then most other nations of Europes This is due to two td) _which have deeply moved the whole population s the two planes shot down by the Soviets 5 the Soviet espionnage ringe