OCR Output

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Greenland is completely integrated into Denmark from every point
of view. This should be expected in roughly ten yerars, at which
time Members for Greenland will be sitting in the parliament

of Kopenhagen.

The second important step has been the economic opeming
of the island, Hitherto ers and export were going through the
sole channel of the Royal Greenland Commerce Society. Now the
island has been fully opened to free commerce and enterprise.
This means for the moment added expenses, and costs the Danish
treasury 100 million Kronor. But this is only a transition.
Important canning factories of the most modern types are moving
into the island, and the movement is just beginning. Furthere
. more there is serious outlook at certain prospecting in the
mining field. But even should this latter not materialize, the
fisheries are bound to develop in such a manner that the banish
investments of today will grant a fine return tomorrow. With
other “oaaghen Oy now under discussionmm it can be stated that the
centuries old fabric of Greenland economy is coming to an end 3
the time of mighty developments is close at hand.

though rarely discussed, nevertheless is always at the back of
the mind of Atlantic statesmen and strategists. The island has
great strategic importance. It flanks the Ocean routes of the
free nations. It might be a very important base, if, as is belie¬
ved, submarine warfare would play an important role in future
conflicts. This importance has called for re-consideration of
security on the island. The re-organization and modernization
of police forces and their development more or less on the
pattern of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, while justified
in itself, was nevertheless primarily a move to insure the se¬
curity of the island in case of international development. This
is the more called ford, since, according to reliable reports,
Soviet P lar fliers have several times in recent months flown
over the northern part of the island, Without creating undue
alarm, this fact nevertheless has called for closer attention
to the security angle.
