XeAel4. August 526 - page five Communist propaganda thus has won a great and. important battle: some of the most ide@&istic Christians have lost the right sense of orientation. They have come to see the social problem through marxist eyese They desperately try to find a solution to an insoluble problem: a compromise between a Christian and a marxist world; a "liberation™ from capitalism that has to precede rechristianization, possible only in a "freer" world. Even young enthusiastic priests have become victims of that deep confusfZion of mkwg minds. Some of them, heroically, have devoted their lives to the working classes. Members of the so-called Paris Mission ("Mission de Paris") they have volunteered to become simple factory workers, live in the worst neighborhoods, share the lives of the poor, only in order to understand and thus to influence their environmente Living entirely in such surrounding and in its mentality, some of them slip gradually into the temptation of open action, of Labor recriminations, of strikes and eventually, as it happened at the occasion of the Ridgway incidents of May 28th, emen into open and illegal demonstrations. Meaning to do well, they fail to see that they have becom: mere instruments in communistic hands. members of the clergy to participate openky in political and economic fights and lead them into opposition to their hkerarchical superiors and governments eee : in France, such action had succeeded to a point where the Hicrarchy had to take a strong stands un February ist, the “Semaine Religieuse", the official paper of the Paris Archdiocese, published a formal and clear condemnation of an attitude that pursued re=christianization on the bases of two consecutive phases: first a “liberation® and then only an “evangelization™ .. "Such methodg is particularly dangerous if it admits such liberation to be lead by communism. By this fact Christians would accept to co-operate at the triumph of a doctrine in absolute contradiction with the formal directives of the Church ss." Another statement in the same line of thinking was issued the day after the Ridgway demonstrations. Two “working priests", Fathers Bouyer and Cagne, had participated and w ere arrested by the policee The Archbishop's office officially expressed regret that two priests should have partaken at any manifestation of that type ... ; Just as the apo&tolic zeal of some young priests is mislead by the most insidious of propagandas, certain groups of intellectuals also become easily victimés of a similar confusion of minds. Boing members of the middle-class, they are given a guilt and inferiority feeling, in face of an industrial mass which they feel is being wrongec In order to prove their personal democratic and progressive attitude, they go to the extremes and support the most leftist thinking and action, the communist one. These are $óme of the writers, the artists, the lawyers and judges, the professors, the men ofscience, the doctors, mentioned above for having signed the manifestations of solidarity witl the communists, Their way of thinking h-s been summarized in the words 64.