to this state of affairs is Socialism and the confiscation of private property ? Possibly Mr. BENTON harbours such views; but if these views are spread by MEC, an official organ of the American governement, then we mst draw the co nelusion, that Mr. BENTON's views are these of the American governement. The chief of MEC, Mre Meyer, will have to take a public stand on this issuce But we must discuss also another question. Shortly after the publie cation by the Socialist press of the report of the American Secretary of Embassy Johnston, a Viennese Society for freedom of Trade armounced 2 public lecture by Johnston in a Vienna Restaurant, in which he would comment on his reporte The people who came to hear this lece ture were disappointed, as Mr, Johnson did not Show upe At thelast moment someone had pointed out to him, that such a public controvere sial stand by an accredited diplomat tn Vienna, would be a gross intervention into the domestic affairs of Austride What happens then with the above mentioned pamphlet ? It is res markeable, that even EG obviously has been in confiderable doubt for quite a while before releasing the texte Senator BENTON made his declarations in November of last year in Vienna, and the pamphlet was printed by order of the official American Agency Mic in the Soeiajist Printing House Verwaerts in April of this year. Since April the hiet was “held back", and shown only to a small number of favoyred persons". But now, the leftist officials of MEC seem to have had their way and the pamphlet is widely distributed to the Austrian population. “n page 16 of the pamphlet is printed " MEG e ( Yovk information of HEG ). We Austrian have been informed, that um’ means 3 Mission for Economic Cosoperations “e can not believe, that this pamphlet is helpful for the econös mic coeoperation, either between Americans and dustrians, nor between 4ustria's management and iaboure He Lenherdte 64,