yo ep XeAeSeJune 5260 firms directly or indirectly connected with CAMP is estimated at over 100 houses. Interestingly the name of CAMP, which has puzzled intelligence gn for quite a while, stems from the originator of the idea. the founder of Camp, already well before World War II was an Austrian Jew, Colle Prager, who as the Delegate of the Austrian Communists worked in the late Komintern, Prager himself a former bussinessman had the idea to use the greed of the Capitalist world for the henefit of the Communist revolution, Thus he built up CAMP with the help and support of Stalin, who from the begin= ning showed vast interest in the project and saw the potentialities of the work, The network was well built, when Prager disappeared = probably by natural death. But by this time CAMP had already passed the limits of the Komintern, had become an official or rather semi-official organization of the Soviet Governe= ment = a situation it has today’ It is one of these groups which are partly organizations of the Kominfomm, partly of the governement, operating as an independent Agency under the author ity of the Politburo. In the economic field, one of the most importent facts is now the obvious shift of more industries to wartime produc= tions At the seme time the rules of economic secrecy have been considerably tightened. It is certain that even to the observer on the spot it will be increasingly difficult to leam what is really going on. Thus it is strkiing, that the motorization of agriculture has come to a virtual standstiil, This past year . only 137.000 tractors have been furnished to agriculture, way below the official estimates. Still no one has been blamed for that lack of output, which praves that this was done according ly reconverted to the production of tanks, the production of tractors being left to the minimum needed to keep up the agricultural output of the USSR. At the sale time news of new fac tories going up especially in Central Asia continue to pour ine A latest report shows the building near Stalinsk in the Kugetsk Basin of a new huge plant for new guided missiles. This plant is under the direction of a German but it was impossible to jeam his name since it is guarded as a top secret, This Germap by the way has come to Stalinsk with his familye As we #lready reported in earlier dispatches, great chenges are occuring in the field of Transportation, The nost important singie fact is the termination of the Volga~Don Canal between Kalach and Stalingrad, which will raise the potentiali-=ties of Soviet River-shipping considerably. Last year the River poats carried 35 Biliion ton=-miles, a number whichwill now rise considerably. But at the same time the duplication and increase 48.