- page four = ler parties are losing much of their following - with the exception of the Deutsche Partei, The much publicized §8.R.P. the Neo-Hazi Party is at present losing much of its foilowing to the Socialists. On the other hand the so-called Bayermpartei and W.A.V. are losing hoch percentages of their troops to the CDU-CSU. The DHE, the refugee party, is becoming increasingly a party of the conservative right, is therefore to be considered increasingly a potential aliy of the CDU emd FDP, The fears once expressed cf a radicalization of the res fiigees have so far not materialized ~ in fact almost the contrary has happened, the refugees becoming am asset for conservative policiesSe Te only party which at present seems to make headway with= the party which increasingly is becoming the Monarchist standard bearer. Recent by-elections have increased their representation in parliament, the most striking fact being that in April the Deutsche of the Party, Minister Hejiwege, hus come out openly for Honarchy e go has Secretary of State Meerkatz and Member of Pariiament von Thadden, The Monarchist trend ean be best understood, consicering the German mentelity. Germeny will never be a democracy, Germans» feel, that in the none to far distant future, their present Republie and parliament will be swept away. This is a thing accepted by alnost everyone in Germany, from the humblest worker to tve richest indus= trialist. It would be folly for us not to see this, Now those who believe in Christianity and liberalism are looking for a fammulty which, while ebolishing the present foreignmimposed regime, woul still preserve human rights and liberties within the framework of an otherwise stronz regime, Thus they come to Monarchy ac u politi= cal doctrine, not as a loyalry to a dycacty, The German local pre» " tenders are not strong enough to unify any major group around them § "Orom Prince Rupprecht of Bavaria is much to old; the head ot the House of Hohenzollern is unknown and not active, Tue only person ene joying general respect is the Duke of Braunschweig, but he too is olda and not active. Thus the present German Monarchist trend is working towards the establishment of anew Monarchy, which will not necessarily be headed by one of the presently knowa German dinasties. It would be an error to limit the Monarchists in Germany to the Deuteche Partei.s The Deutsche Partei only cashes in on a trend, and there are indications that other Monarchist movements will rise, especially in the South, since the Deutsche Partei is primarily a northem affair. The best indications are the spread in the South of the Abenülöndisehe Aktion a non-partisan Monarchist outfit, which is strongly European, internationalist, shristian and wants a German Monarchy on the type of the old Reich of before 1804, Des= so much so that politicians n to count with it and are trying to ty it to a party : contacts between Abenditindische Aktion and CDU are quite within the realm of the possibility. | In the economie field, things are going on well, Prices, while high, have not rigen as yet to much, Goods are aujple and the Sea szag Sek Gee ees | 4