~ page three e And here we must never forget, that the Soviet action is today more powerful than ever, The Commmists and their Neutralist tars per month. This expense includes both the Sutricht Communist and neu'tralist propaganda. Hot more than 8 or 9 % at present are oute richt Commmist, Of these amomts, it is estimated that 20% are raised right in West Germany, especially from great enterprises who are -. thresteneé woth reprisals when the Russians will take over Germany e 804 of the suns therefore come from the Hact, earmarked by the Bast German governenent. It is impossible to say whether these sums come from misaopropriations of the Bast German budget or whether they are furnished by the Kominfom. The most important feature of this propás ganda are newsletters marked "secret" which purport to come from West Germem governement sources , show no editor and contain in a supre= mely clever fom aii the lies of the Soviet propagemda, These nemde letters have some influence ani are not easily tracede On the other hand the official neutralists, Niemlier, Noackh, Heimemann etes contime their work with great energy, Especially Niemolier, whose prestige was eréatly enhanced by his recent trips to Moscow and Aametis ea, is working very hard in both lectures and articles to peddle his tine, While at present without mich success, he nevertheless is a po= tential tireat, if events should take. a turn, : i The greatest danger nevertheless stili comes from the attie tude of the Socialist Party, which tries by all means to capitalize on the feelings acainst re-armament. The specuhation of the Socialists is a simple ome : they mow, just as Adenauer knows that the next elections in 1953 will be held on the issues of foreim policye If Adenauer has a success in foreign policy, that is to say if ue obhains for the price of German re-armament and intesration into the West a genuine treaty of peace, that is to say one which will give Germany her sovereiguity and equality of rights back, both Socialists and neutralists will be defeated. But the Socialists and tie Neutra~ lists hope for a bad treaty for Germany, one with many strings atta= ehed, and one which will not give the country back the equality of rights, In that case they know that Adenauer will be defeated and that a govermenent pregided by bitter Dre Schumacher will come to powe?, which will not work with the West and will ally Socialism with the most extreme Nationalism. \ eal parties, we should understand that the ruling CDUSOSU and the . FDP, while at present strong, will be entirely dependent on whether the Socialists, And this is the more true, since obviously the smal~ 14