166 LITTLE LORD FAUNTLEROY. It really made him feel guite agitated to speak ofit. He pulled the splendid gold watch out of his pocket and opened It, and showed the inside of the case to Dick. 1 ate és anes i az ig dát PR: Re it ft 4 cc ( h hi : ae ok eats a When this you see, remem- 2 i ee ae ber me,’” he read. “Th his fe ; ee ee er me, e read. at was his : Bi see ee ő aa rti ti k pP k O in n Be LE OG OMe ao SAO HG ite eas Se RE OR et pene cepsake t 5 On” eee ea ee ae z = Ss | a ¥ “d = ps te Ee A a want you to forget me — those was his words—I d ha remem ks EF a it a ay, | Uf MATH] Ui 4c én (=. bered him,” he went on, shaking his head, ‘‘if 7 | he had nt given | Si me a thing, an’ ite WHY, BOSS! " EXCLAIMED DICK, "DO YOU KNOW BS A, I had n't seen HIM YOURSELF?" He. hide nor hair on a him again. He was a companion as azy man would remember.” ‘‘ He was the nicest little feller I ever see,” said Dick. ‘An’ as to sand—TI never seen so much sand to a little feller. I thought a