KING BIZARRE AND PRINCE CHARMING refuse an offer which does me honor and the memory of which I shall always preserve. I am ambitious, I own; the time has been when I should have been proud to share your throne and name; but before all things I am a woman and place all my happiness in love. I will not have a divided heart, should my rival be only a memory; I am jealous even of the past." "I have never loved in my life,” cried the prince, with a vehemence that made the stranger start. " "There is a mystery concerning my marriage which I can reveal only to my wife; but I swear to you that I have never given away my heart; I love now for the first time." “Show me your hand,” said the gipsy, approaching the lamp, "and let me see whether you have told the truth." Charming extended his hand with assurance; the gipsy studied the lines and sighed. “You are right, my lord,” said she, "you have never loved. But this does not appease my Jealousy. Another woman has loved you before me. ‘These sacred bonds are not broken by death; the queen still loves you—you belong to her. To accept a heart which is no longer at your disposal would be sacrilegious and criminal in me. Farewell." “Madam,” said the king, with an ill-assured voice, "you do not know what you make me suffer. There are things which I would gladly burn in eternal silence, but which you 169