A workflow has been developed to ensure thatthese reguirements are collected according to the optimised and standardised acquisition protocols. The instructions below describe the workflow for the capture of visible-induced infrared luminescence images. Workflow for the capture of visible-induced infrared luminescence (VIL) images Equipment requirements: e Camera e LED light sources e UV/Visible-blocking filter (e.g. Schott RG830) e Macbeth colour chart (not required but remains in the shot from previous image for continuity/image registration) e Spectralon diffuse reflectance grey scale or any number of Spectralon diffuse reflectance standards as available. Set-up 1) Position the LED light sources and the camera as shown in Figure 2-34 and according to the recommendations in section b. Object Reflected Visible IR Luminescence mh d LED light source Visible-blocking filter (e.g. Schott RG830) 2) Place the UV/visible-blocking filter (e.g. Schott RG 830) in front of the camera. 3) If working in the studio, position the object following the recommendations referred to in section b. Version No. 1.0 Date : 14/10/2013 87