The population of the town at the time of its incorporation was about 2,500. MAYORS OF PRESCOTT. B. White, Mayor iM...cccccssccecsrerecnsctccces I85I. Bo WR cc cc 6 ms ken 96.0 bed ashe bees ap 9.668 I 1852. Bo WRC. cd ees Vee ei Vb ses 44. reeeaes gs blues 1855 J. Bi. TERBEN, év ást acs Se Rr a Pare (ae eee eae 1856, (8 ae Cores es chen ee ae oes sees 1857. Matthew Gray, i oa Keinnas evbe öle Le Vad taseces ie FSD. 18. VERNE PP SR Seer ee es POP o ee ee ás sás 1859. Tools de ares ne nnke as nada k's eas RES EK 1 1§60, Fo Tay PROMI LT la e be ksseaue edb KERT enh eckee et ase” 41 1861. WN eRe RITOMNONES os Wed LES abe owes owlde eee ee peeks 1862. Stee SS. Me es akk elb tap eves «4 1863. Wes Sain cd ops 0 oe Ki le ee eel ets val aetna tees 1864. fs eee eer ee yo) See ee 1865. DEG INGEE, SCAB R sé arg 6b 6 cima os Sa eee ose Rae ks 1860, MEG INOOs CARES Ez ad kN ás ew binta kes eden e eee a eee es 1867, JRE RE haf CLG OTe Tt ep ote ét E obs beaker ces 1868. James Tews sé oid oe Os Sea dle 4 a cheb wash köss alék EO TRIES ROW ier sk ks oe tees Aa a SMR PÉN Bre TN 1870, HADEN BOWE e's gcd ehh gc ask hee Re bee te AO 187. William BRETON esek of oes Cua dedé aan eke s ees 1872. James Irwine, CÉL Cabidodes ode TON ews eae 1873 SRL RE BEER a ee ke ik Ads bd cc Ve ade haivere> 1874 ME te Sd SO i ng ir nd esési ide ho Riad vie 1875 John Buckley......... cS eS eae i alenetpians 1876. FORE ENNE oo hr k 0 0 hed KV 4a ROMA Onde a At bo Mane 1877. John Buckley....... St et PRES LS ERE Pe ee Le 1878. POR BOCKIEY vse ee ive eye) wee be PATE Ty Pere e 1879 B. WHITE. The present Town Clerk, Major White, was born in Ireland in 1819, and emigrated to the Township of Williamsburg in 1841, removing to Prescott in 1845. At home, Mr. White was a schoolmate of the Hon. T. W. Anglin, late Speaker of the House of Commons. Mr. White married Elizabeth, daughter of the late Timothy Buckley. Joining the volunteers in 1857, he was called out for frontier duty in 1862, acting as Major of the Provisional Battalion in 1866. In 1872 he was created a Lieutenant-Colonel. SOLOMON SNYDER. William Snyder was a native of Johnstown, in the During the Revolution, he joined the army of Burgoyne, but before the close of the war removed to Canada. Mrs. Snyder, on receiving intimation that the Indians had been commissioned by the Continental authorities to slaughter all the Loyalists, Quebec. With her family, consisting of William, aged 16, three young daughters, and two infants, she set out on her perilous journey, proceeding on foot through the woods. The infants died on the way, and were buried ina shallow grave; but ere the heart-broken mother had proceeded half a mile, 22 a] —-—_——————— —_—_— zo ERT the dear departed. William Snyder, Jr., settled in Matilda, where he died. He received a commission as lieutenant in the British army, but owing to a severe accident, did not enter upon active duty. His son, Solomon, was born on the homestead in Solomon married Isabella Monroe, daughter of a U. E. Loyalist, and in the War of 1812 received a lieutenant’s commission. He was princampaign, but at the capture of Ogdensburg he commanded a company. At the close of the war where he died in 1825. Of his family, Ruth C. married Asahel Gerald, of Prescott. ASAHEL GERALD. Asahel Gerald, the pioneer of the Gerald family in America, came to Massachusetts during the Revolution, from the north of Ireland. Removing to Canada, he settled in Osnabruck. Of his descendants, none are now left in Central Canada except the children of the late Asahel Gerald, of Prescott. The relict of the late Asahel Gerald is a descendant of one of the pilgrims who came to America in the Mayflower. Mrs. Geralds retains a sampler which was worked during that memorable voyage, and also several other curious and interesting relics, JUSTICE SHERWOOD MERWIN. Mr. Merwin was born in the United States in 1784, and came with the Sherwoods to Elizabethtown. In 1812 he was a prominent business man in Prescott. He died in 1863. BENJAMIN FRENCH. Benjamin French, son of a U. E. Loyalist who When a young man he engaged extensively in railway contracting in the United States. In 1854 he returned to Canada, and in 1856 was appointed Superintendent of the St. Lawrence and Ottawa Railway, a position which he held for ten years. In educational advantages, Prescott is second to The High School building, erected in 1867, at a cost of $9,000, is well supplied The Public School is graded into eight departments, the average attendance being 300. The Separate School is one of the largest in Ontario. The new school house was erected in 1875, at a cost of $10,000. It is a model of neatness and convenience, reflecting the greatest credit upon the Roman Catholics of the town. The Rev. Father O'Donnell is deserving of especial praise for his indefatigable efforts in promoting the educational advancement of his parishoners, no town in Canada. with all the latest improvements.