Év Several other Irish Emigrants occupied lots in the Seventh Concession. The first five Concessions were not settled until a later period. William W. Brown was born in 1775, in New Brunswick, from which Province he removed to Elizabethtown in 1808, locating in Kitleyin 1809, on Lot 22, of the 6th Concession.. Mr. Brown died in 1831, aged fifty-six years. His wife was Betsy, daughter of Jonah Allan. Mr. Brown left eight sons and two daughters. Hezekiah, a son, was born in 1806, and resides in the municipality. .— Abel Kilborn was born in 1776, emigrating from Vermont to Canada about 1795, settling in Bastard. He married Polly Smith, of Elizabethtown. Mr. leaving eight children. Remington Kilborn, who was born in 1803, resides ona farm near the mills. Lorenzo Frayn was born in Wexford, Ireland, in 1787, and setled in Kitley in 1817. He had a family ¢ of ten children, only two of whom reside in Kitley ; Henry occupies the homestead ; Saunders owns an adjacent farm. Lorenzo Frayn resides with his son Henry, and is in the g2nd year of his age, his wife being in her 82nd year. HIRAM McCREA. Colonel Hiram McCrea, was born, July 2nd, 1807, in Montague, his father, Edward McCrea, being a U. E. Loyalist, from the vicinity of Albany. Colonel McCrea removed to Kitley in 1837, and has always taken a deep interest in public affairs. He was first elected Reeve in 1858, a position which he has held ever since. In 1853, he was appointed a magistrate, and from the date of his appointment he has proved one of the most efficient Justices of the Peace in the United Counties. Court for the Seventh Division of Leeds, and continues to hold the office. For several years he served as Lieutenant-Colonel of the sth Battalion of Leeds Militia, and, on the reorganization of the force in 1862, he was appointed a Lieutenant-Colonel of the force for North Leeds. In 1831, he married a daughter of the late E. Wyatt, of Kitley, by whom he had seven children. Colonel McCrea has always 4 taken a prominent part in county matters, occupying the post of Warden several years. B _ The first settler at Frankville was L. M. Soper, = whodrew the lot on which the village now stands. __- When he first located, he was compclled to carry in on his back the potatoes required for seed. For . many years it was customary to carry the grain to be ground to Marshall’s Creek ; from that poine it . Was taken in canocs to Merrickville. + ~
=" ne ee Yim is ML Se ee — The next settler in that vicinity was David Woods, who located on the lot now owned by Rainey Loucks. Mr. Soper and Mr. Woods cultivated the soil with a yoke of steers, which they owned in common, Timothy Soper came into the Township about five years after. He drew the land now occupied by Ezra Ireland. Fora long time Mr. Soper acted as a general agent for the settlers, in bringing in supplies, doing the milling, etc. Upon one occasion he had taken a grist to Merrickville for Thomas Connor. Returning with it in the night, he left it beside the main road, at a point where the path leading to Mr. Connor’s house diverged. Having a piece of chalk in his pocket, he wrote upon the sack :— ‘* Here I lie upon my back, My name it is an Irish sack ; Touch me not, upon your honor, For I belong to Tommy Connor.” There are six churches in the municipality ; a C. M. Church, an M. E. Church and a Presbyterian Church at Toledo; a Roman Catholic Church at Bellamy’s Mill ; an Episcopal and C. M. Church at Frankville, A Township Hall, stone, was erected at Toledo in 1856, at a cost of $2,000. The Municipal Officers for 1877, were as follows: : Hiram McCrea, Reeve. N. H. Beecher, Deputy Reeve. Abraham Coad, Treasurer. Samuel Connor, Clerk. ma Samuel Hornick, Assessor, oe John Edgar, Assessor, 3 it: Joseph Coad, William Davis, James Drummond, za Councillors. 3 The following is a summary of the assessment of the Township for 1877 :— Number of persons assessed, 646. Number of acres assessed, 48,943. Number of acres cleared, 27,773. Value of real property, $533,990. Value of taxable income, $1,000. Value of personal property, $60,450. Amount of real and personal property, $594,440. Taxes imposed by Municipality, $1,814. Taxes imposed by Counties, $1,769, The following table contains a list of all the Seas Patents granted by the Crown up to the 31st of beret December, 1802 :— | eee os