Provincial Legislature of Ontario. In conseguence of old age and infirmities, he withdrew from public life, passing the remainder of his days in peace and prosperity, surrounded by the members of his family. He died, after a brief illness, May isth, 1878. His integrity and moral worth will, for many years, be remembered by the citizens of Leeds, who so freship and hospitality. CHAPTER XXVI. SouTH CROSBY. THE first actual settler of the Township was Walter Davis, a U. E. Loyalist, who located in 1800, and drew a large tract of land, not only for himself, but also for his adopted son, Thomas Ripley. The surveys were made by Reuben Sherwood, P. L. 5. Among the early settlers were Eben Halladay, who came into the municipality in 1800, Asahel Beach arriving shortly after. Of the Halladay boys, Alvin, Henry, Eben, James, and Samuel were all in the War of 1812, Samuel serving as a lieutenant. The first school house was built about 181I0-II, the site being near Elgin. The first church was situated about a mile west of Elgin, and was put up during the year in which the survey for the Rideau Canal was made. In 1824, but one house stood within the present limits of the Village of Newboro’, and that was situated in South Crosby. The Legetts were among the early settlers in the western portion of the township, many of their descendants yet residing there. The following is a summary of the Assessment Roll of the municipality for the year 1877 :— Number of acres, 34,020. Number of acres cleared, 12,553. Total value of real property, $378,865. Value of personal property, $49,000. Value of income, $1,939. Total value of property, all kinds, $429,795. Number of residents, 1,915. Number of cattle, 2,594. Number of sheep, 2,499. Number of horses, 648. Among the old inhabitants of the municipality is Township Clerk. The first person interred in the cemetery at Elgin was a Mrs. Matheson. The following is the list of Patents granted for land in the Township of South Crosby up to the 31st of December, 1802 :— = = —— = — — = z Lot. | Name of Grantee. Part of Lot. s | Date of Patent. < < I! I |Matthew Howard.... All 200|May 17th, 1802 3 Daniel Dunham..... All (r5o0jAug. Ioth, 1801 7 \Polly McLean........ All 200|\June 30th, 1801 8 |James Brown......... All 200) May 17th, 1802 tó. |Rhoda Brown........ All 200|May 17th, 1802 12 |Matthew Wing....... All 200]May 17th, 1802 13 j|Samuel Seaman..... All 200|June 30th, 1801 14 |Jeremiah Fraser.....-. All 200] Aug. 10th, 1801 17—18| Nathaniel Brown...... All 4oo|fune 1oth, 1801 ro «4(|Elé¢ta Barnett........ All 200|June 30th, 1801 20 {Alexander Barnett.... All 200| Aug Iioth, 1801 22 jJonathan Buell....... All 200|/June 3oth, 1801 24 |Jonathan Buell....... All 200|June 3oth, 1301 2] 1 {Matthew Howard. . . . . All 200}May 17th, 1802 2 |Matthew Howard. ... All 200|May 17th, 1802 7 |Joseph McLean...... All 200|June 30th, 1801 g |Walter Davis........ All 200/May 17th, 1802 ry, Tbe aty Waltse.:. ss 6a cie o's All 200|May 20th, 1801 12 |Susannah Wiltse...... All 200|May 20th, 1801 13. |Rebecca Wing....... All 200/May 17th, 1802 14 |Samuel Strait........ All 200|May 17th, 1802 16 |Samuel Strait........ All 200|May 17th, 1802 18—19|Samuel Strait ....... All 400|May 17th, 1802 Ze Eve WE, ik ics es All 200|May 17th, 1802 23 |Daniel McEachron.... All 200|/June 30th, 1801 24 |Mary McEachron..... All 200) July 1oth, 1801 3} 1 |Matthew Howard..... All 200}May 17th, 1802 3 |Jonathan Mills Church All 150|May 30th, 1801 § |Lebray Wilcox........ All 200|June 30th, 1801 6 |Joseph White........ W 1-2 |roojJune 30th, 1801 10 |Joseph White........ All |20o0|June 30th, 1801 12 |Elizabeth Saunders... All 200}May 17th, 1802 13 |Friend Bissell........ All 200|Aug. 10th, 1801 Ka ERGA EBB zó ves es fs All 200|June 30th, 1801 mS iLucy-White....°. ... All 200|June 30th, 1801 17. 'William Gibson...... All 200|June 30th, 1801 is. jommmel trait. ....... All 200\May 17th, 1802 19 jAnna Bissell......... All 200/Aug. toth, 1801 22 |Obediah Read........ W 1-4 50|June 30th, I8o1 24: NEEE Wright... 56... Aly 200|May 17th, 1802 41 1 |Matthew Howard..... All 200|May 17th, 1802 which it retained for many years. New York, 1788. 1839. mother dying February 6th, 1856. January, 1858, Mr. Coon married Eliza Ann Halladay, by whom he had two sons, Darius A. and Wylie A. May ist, 1839, Mr. Coon settled on Lot No. ro, in the 1st Concession of South Crosby, where he still resides,