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thousands. Lieutenant Abel represented his town
at the General Court, Boston, 1695. His wife was
scalped by the Indians, July 26th, 1708, but survived
until October roth, of the same year.

II. Abel Wright, his second son, born September
25th, 1664, married Rebecca Terry, September 16th,
1691. He was a lieutenant and raised a family of
thirteen children, About the year 1700, he emigrated
to Lebanon, Connecticut, where he was an extensive

landholder. He died June 2nd, 1745, an honored
citizen of the State.

III. Ebenzer Wright, born February 22nd, 1701, of
the above family, was the father of a posterity, whose
number in 1864, already reached four thousand souls,
from the direct line of five sons and three daughters.

beth, was the daughter of Simon Newcomb ; she
bore him three children. His second wife was Sarah,
sister of Governer Samuel Huntington ; she bore
him eight children. His third wife was Mrs. Mary
(Mason), widow of David Huntington. His third

son, Ebenezer, born June 2nd, 1727, was the Canadian

IV. Ebenezer, the Canadian Emigrant, was of the
fourth generation. He married Mercy Leach, daugh¬
ter of Amos Leach, March rith, 1751, who bore him
ten children, each of whom, save one, reared a
family; his descendants, to the number of T,500,
have already been traced. He lived in Mansfield
until 1759-60, when he removed to New Fairfield,
Connecticut, and shortly after to Newton, Sussex
County, New Jersey. About 1765, he took up his re¬
sidence at Shaftsbury, Vermont. He was a royalist
and a churchman, and during the revolution was
compelled to flee to Canada, leaving a valuable pro¬
perty behind him. When the war closed, three of
his sons and the two youngest daughters joined him
in his new home, settling in Cornwall. Some time
after, several members of the family located in
Augusta and Edwardsburg. He died at Johnstown,


The children of Ebenezer and Mercy Wright were
as follows :—Abraham, born in Mansfield, Connect¬
icut, 1752. He died at Kingsbury, New York, 1814,
aged sixty-one years and six months ; his posterity
number about two hundred and thirty.

Captain Asahel, born August 18th, 1754, at Mans¬
field, married in 1788, Eve Haynes, daughter of


Zerviah, born December 4th, 1756; married Chas.
Spencer, of Shaftsbury, Vermont, March 3rd, 177 5:
died April 29th, 1793.

Ebenezer, born October 15th, 1758; married
Rachel Marsh about 1780; died June 14th, 1840.

Amos, born June 22nd, 1761; married Sarah Wil¬
cox; died at Augusta, July 18th, 1796, aged 35

David, born November 16th, 1763 ; married Tamar
Burritt about 1796; died in Cornwall, October 2sth,
1819, where some of his posterity still reside.

Mercy, born March 26th, 1766; married, Novem¬
ber rath, 1783, George McEwan, of Vermont, She
died December 27th, 1847.

Sarah, born September 3rd, 1768 ; married Peleg
Spencer in 1783. She had seven children, four of
whom were born in Canada, where she died January
2nd, 1844, aged 75 years and 6 months.

Elizabeth, born April 24th, 1773; died October
gth, 1777.

Rebecca, born April 24th, 1776. By her first hus¬
band she had one daughter; married the second
time, September 2nd, 1800, Henry Barnhart, of
Cornwall. She died September rst, 1847.

V. The fifth generation in Canada.

In a letter written by Amos Wright, dated Oswe¬
gatchie, October 21st, 1791, he speaks of locating
and building a house in the Ninth Township, where
he says: "I have 500 acres of land in one block.
My wife drew 800 acres on account of her father’s
merits. My brother Asahel is making improvements
in the same place, with the design of moving his
family in the spring. Sister Sarah and her husband
Pheleg Spencer have each of them drawn 200 acres,
nearly in the same place."

Captain Asahel Wright, born August 18th, 1754,
was a leading member of the family in Augusta.
He had a son, Abraham, who married Elizabeth
Purdy in 1808, and had eight children. The eldest
of these, Amos, represented the Toronto District in
the Provincial Parliament for several years.


Captain Joseph, born May toth, 1789, at Cornwall,
married Elizabeth Bissell in 1809, and had five
children: Nelson, Anna, Elizabeth, Maria, and
Silas. In 1819, Mrs. Elizabeth Wright died, and
he married, second, Mrs. Elizabeth McNish, Sep¬
tember 2oth, 1820, who lived with him forty years.
Captain Joseph died on the homestead of his father,
November goth, 1876, aged 87 years and 6 months.

John, born May toth, 1790; married Mrs. Mary
McLean ; died in March, 1876, aged nearly 86 years.

Abel, born May 8th, 1791 ; married Sarah Landon,

Nancy, Sarah, Abel, Samuel, Electa, Mary and
Martha (twins), and Catherine. Abel died near