Tea yen > A LAMENTATION ~ ON THE HEROES ~ 4 Who were shot on Dunlavin Green. 48 . Á IN the year one thousnnd seven hundred and ninty-eight 4 A sorrowful ditty to you Im going to relate, i "Concerning those heroes both clever and rareto be seen ; By false information were shot upon Dunlavin Greer. Woe to you, Saunders; disgrace me you never shalls¥ That the tears of the widows may melt you, like snow — before the sun 3 | Those fatherless orphans! their cries nor moans can’t be screened, | For the loss of their fathers, who were shot upon Dun- A lavin Green. A 4 Some of our heroes are "listed and gone far away, a There are some of them dead, and some of them cross- _ ing the sea ; Si As for poor Andy Ryan, his mother distracted has beg = For the loss of her son, whe was shot upon Dunlavin 3 Green. 3 4 As for Andy Farrell, Pm sure he has cause to complain, “a And likewise the two Duffys, Pm sure they may welldo / . do the same ; b Dwyer on the mountain to the orange he owes a great spleen, a For the loss of his comrades, who were shot upon Dun- = lavin Green. | a They were marched fons ‘the guard-house up to the end of the town, And when they eame there, the poor fellows were forced q to kneel down ; ug Like lambs for the slaughter that day, it was plain tő § be seen, 2 Their blood ran in streams on the dykes of Dunlavin ; Green. oy * Ee ks id That we may live kelj the joyful tidings tohear, 9. " When we will have staisfaction for the murders ess = SEAL Ie, Staelin” YR did on that year: a There were 36 heroes, both clever and rare to be seen, A Both Joyal jand united, shot one day oa Dunlavin 2 Green. 3 Now to conclude and finish my moment tale, 2 I hope all good Chines to pray for their souls watt not fail. : § Their souls in whito pipeobs a- flying to heaven were É 1 seen, 4 On the very same day they were shot upon Dunlavins i Se Green. we yeh at : ee Haly, Printer, 59, a Street, Cork.