86 HISTORY OF LEEDS AND GRENVILLE. Gothic proportions, render it most imposing in point of architecture. The good people of the parish now look back with pleasure on their sacrifices in the | §| Lot.] Name of Grantee. Date of Patent. O past. Whilst proud of their church, they will | — ; 3} 20 |Henry Arnold..,..... z00/Aug roth, 1801 never forget cnet devoted pastor, the Rev. J. V. 26 |John Wiltsey....... | 200\June ‘ Ng sy i Foley, who, in the face of numerous difficulties, 28 |Catherine Nicklinson. . 200/May 2oth, 1801 | undertook so great a work, which stands as the fruit : 2 James Mattice. 1.1. June 30th, 1801 of his zeal and the crowning monument of a people | 18 tT cut. Henry Arnold.. 43th, 1798 | sa 19 Aug. 1oth, 1801. possessed of good willin the cause and advance- 20 ment of their religion. 27 Thomas Moore....... 200|May 17th, 1802 | ms Pierre M. Fortier. ... 300| June 3oth, 1801 | 5] 6 |Silvester Wright...... May 20th, 1801 I CHAPTER XXIV. 6 |Thomas Wood... ss es May 17th, 1802 | 16 |Richard Arnold ...... May 17th, 1802 | WOLFORD, jö Lieut. Henry Arnold. . Ane ic cya | A . , 4 WHEN the settlement along the banks of the Rideau 20 Seep Arnold...... May 17th, 1802 3 I ségi 21 Aves AZA a ls ex éli Dec. 31st, 1802 River began, Wolford received its quota of new 23 |Francis Hamblin...... May oth, 1801 settlers, and soon occupied a prominent place in re Lieut. Henry Arnold. . Aug: ey dsg the rear of the County of Grenville. 6} 11 |Helche Hazelton...... May 17th, 1802 The following list contains the Patents granted 8 Sf Sean COMES N. * ; May 17th, 1802 ae | 13 |Desire Brown,....... May 17th, 1802 in the municipality up to the 31st day of December, 14 |Hester Brackenridge.. May 17th, 1802 1802 -— 15 Olive Bishop......... May 17th, 1802 ; [7 | Sonia nas | Elizabeth Howard. . . . All 6oolJune 3oth, 1801 TOWNSHIP OF WOLFORD. 19 BROKEN FRONTS. 20 Stephen Howard....... S 1-2 1100 June 30th, 1801 ad 28 - 22 |John Howard........ N Pt 78\June 30th, 1801 | 41 24. iDyer Howard. 40. si . All 200|June 30th, 1801 al Lot.| Name of Grantee. | Part of Lot. | & |Date of Patent. 25 |Peter Howard.,....... All 200/June 30th, 1801 5 | z 27 iMercy Wright... ...... All 200|June 30th, 1801 | ge asa 7|. 3° |Aarom Eifott., 045. All 200|May 17th, 1802 A e "a bt ; 7 |Elizabeth Trumbell.... All 200|May 17th, 1802 D Rt William Davis. ..... | All 200|May 17th, 1802 8 {Robert ase aah ion a All 200 May 17th, 1802 B] 6 |Elizabeth Bickham... All 100|July 14th, 1802 Io |Hannah Jacocks,..... All 200] Noy. 25th, 1802 B] 13 |David Shipman, Jr.... All 200|May 17th, 1802 18 [David John.......... All IMay 17th, 1802 Inclg. 13 in A | 19 | Nancy McLaren.,..,.. All 200|June toth, 1801 B] 25 |Reuben Sherwood.... All 238|June 30th, 1801 23 Al 6 JElizabetk Beckham,... All 100|July 14th, 1802 ‘ John Baker........ All 200/Dec. 2nd, 1802 A} 10 All . . A rt Caleb Henderson. . . . . Ey. — f]300lMay 17th, 1802 30 |Elizabeth Landon..... All 200|June 30th, 1801 A| 12° |Albert French. ....... All 200/May 17th, 1802 8! 18 |Daniel Shipman... . 3 = Pt 100]May 17th, 1802 Al 13. [David Shipman, Jr.... All 200|May 17th, 18 ncig. 19 ; di J Inclg. 13 in B y hi ey Ae I9 {Daniel Shipman...... All 100|May 17th, 1802 A | 15 |James Chambers, Jr... Pt 100/June 30th, 1801 Inclg. W pt 18 A |18—19/Lieut. Richard Arnold All Aug. I2th, 1798 | 20 |Walter Sutherland.... All 50|May 17th, 1802 A! 25 |Joseph Haiskins:..... All 200/May 17th, 1802 22 |Asa Landon, Jr....... All June 30th, 1801 a 26 |Dean Carleton......., All 200|May 17th, 1802 3 epi John eh ted’, pt reed ther mer Aj 28 |Joseph Slack......... All 200 SURED PEE ES 50 blag ie! os May 17th, 1602 4 aed | J vajdát goa, 1801 29-30}Asa Landon, Jr.......| All June 30th, 1801 i 3 | Arce mpage bys ‘epee All 200|May 17th, 1802 Merge = ree 1" e. ~_ oat Clerk, the following memorandum has been secured 13 Desks Moore, Jr..... A l200/May 20th, 1801 | for publication. It contains the names of a// the I o 2. (KÖLEST Sry A : : 4 oar 200)May roth, 1801 | inhabitants who resided in Wolford on the first day 25-26 Richard Arnold...,.. All 8oo/June roth, 1801 of May eae 30 |Richard Arnold...... All _|2oo|June toth, 1801 Leng , 2} 1 |Reuben Landon...... All 200/May 17th, 1802 Joseph Haskins, Sr., Elizabeth Haskins, Joseph 2 TAmne Bryon. iii 0G All 200} Nov. 25th, 1802 i : ; Bigs oo gy lors Sad All ea Shy oat a Flaskins, Jr., Benjamin Barber, Sr., Lorania Barber, 6 ee vanessa a 200/May 2oth, 1801 | David Barber, Benjamin Barber, Jr., Elizabeth 7 iza urguson.... 200|May 2oth, 180 ; 3 13 |Barnabas <8, Wenge All perm wd Z0th, te Omsted, Lorania Omsted, Ephraim Omsted, Kelly 14 |William Richardson. . . All 200|May 17th, 1802 | Omsted, Thankful Omsted, Nicholas Haskins, I5 |Nancy Fulford........ All 1200}May 2oth, 1801 J : 19 |Abigail Baldwin ..... All l200|May 17th, 1802 | Hannah Haskins, Anise Haskins, John Butterfield, A Bhs d Sire : Po RRL: Fo May ith goz | Miriam Butterfield, Sally Butterfield, Olive Butter
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