MESE. WV HNGNATEN. oe ence ee ece does Sea te aa 1856 H. D. Jessup. ......ccce secescrsseces ov ss ős a tt OS? William Smith...... ere! ae oe Pee oe con e AB BD), Lessup sv oso ésén es dt egen ég Gála éa kre 1859 William Garvey. ...-....+-- allél nage sah aos 1560 Willits Garvey ménes ét epés nes ces vee €s as as 1S61 William Garvey... .ccccccccccccece coco sees 1862 James Keeler. 2.0.2 se ceseeeses a ra Paws am »+- 1863 PUA COCOA ll cece bce te rece cecteneress 1864 AMER DoRCLON esze aoa aks seleme 7 So on Uh ok oe IOOS, Be. FORE JONES oink cccccwecwcess s aé vere nass 1866 EP 2S Pe ere I, [ói áj ass 9. ae 1867 John Johnston. .,..,..2200 eres phe keh aoe 1865 PROMOTE ESCH. 05 ccc oct wees cerseceseeveoneee 1869 PTO cs coerce weesoneccccpecscestcetere: 1870 Chartes By Crysler... J. as cic ewe ce sscets 1871 Richard Preston....... ble. Che sthsllesleaames 1872 BoE PRCUBCD s Sohne doen gees , oh etka eras bev 1873 I PIE i iw. ső tie ai s-t s ILS. EL Fa Se PTE 1874 Stafford McBratney...... peeves ét Are én 4 1875 ONE ZSELÉ a ence ec vevot r sige sew 9401 1876 Moras Darhing., sees 47 vc cece Sens ds tess ees 1877 E. H. Whitmarsh (appointed in June Session, in place of Mr. Darling, who resigned),. . . . . . . . . 1877 POM EGB 04 5 Sin p oc cacees Sts sas ode 1875 The following is the address delivered by the Hon. William Morris, the first Warden, to the members of the District Council, assembled for the first time :— The District Council of the Johnstown District met, pursuant to the Statute entitled “An Act to Provide for the Internal Government of that Part of this Province Which Formerly Constituted the Province of Upper Canada, by the Establishment of Local or Municipal Authorities Therein,” at the temporary Court House in the Town of Brockville, on Tuesday, the 8th day of February, 1842, at 12 o'clock noon. Present : HoNoORABLE WILLIAM Morris, Warden. COUNCILLORS. John Holden, . Ogle R. Gowan, Martin Castleman, Lyman Clothier, Jesse Delong, William Young, Robert Ferguson, Noah Halladay, John Stewart, James Thomson, James Shaw, John McEwen, John Pierce, Thomas Sheffield, John Thompson, Eleazer H. Whitmarsh. The Warden informed the Council that he had Samuel J, Bellamy, John Jelly, James Keeler, we Robert. Kernahan, Walter H. Denaut, Robert Elliott, William Johnston, William Jones, William Moulton, Duncan McTavish, Milo McCarger, sör whom he handed his Commission as Warden, —— ette E. 7 — éle _ ep which was read by the temporary Clerk, and is as follows :— aS,» PROVINCE OF CANADA: a a. - 2D TACKSON, | VICTORIA, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland Queen, Defender of the Faith, etc., élés, ele. 7o all to whom these Presents shall come, Greeting: WHEREAS, in and by a certain Act of the Parliament of our Province of Canada, passed in the Fourth and Fifth years of our Reign, entitled ‘An Act to Provide for the Better Internal Gov‘ernment of that Part of this Province Which Formerly Constitated ‘“the Province of Upper Canada, by the Establishment of Local or cc Municipal Authorities Therein,” it is amongst other things in effect enacted that it shall be lawful for the Governor, LicutenantGovernor, or person administering the government of our said Province, to appoint from time to time, as occasion may require, one fit and proper person to be Warden of and in each of the Districts of that part of our said Province formerly Upper Canada, for the purposes of the said Act to hold his office during our pleasure : Now Know Ye, Therefore, That We, having full confidence in the loyalty, integrity, and ability of the Honorable William Morris, of the Town of Perth, in the District of Bathurst of our sail Province of Canada, have constituted and appointed, and do by these presents and by virtue of the power vested in us by the Act, constitute and appoint him, the said William Morris, to be our WARDEN of and in the District of Johnstown, of that part of our said Province formerly constituting Upper Canada; to have, hold, exercise, and enjoy the rights, powers, and authorities by the said Act vested in the office of Warden of the said District, together with all the privileges, advantages, and emoluments thereunto belonging, or in any wise appertaining, unto him, the said William Morris, durinz our Royal pleasure. In Testimony Whereof, we have caused these our Letters to be made Patent, and the Great Seal of our said Province of Canada to be hereunto affixed. Witness: Our trusty and well beloved Sik RICHARD DOWNES Jackson, K. C. B., Administrator of the Government of our said Province of Canada, and Lieutenant-General Commanding our Forces in British North America, etc., etc., etc., at Kingston, this Twenty-third day of December, in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Forty-one, and in the Fifth year of our Reign. By Command. P. B. HARRISON, SECRETARY. Recorded 7th Jan., 18423 Lib. A. A, Fol. 88. R. A. TUCKER, REGISTRAR. R. D. J. The Warden then delivered the following address to the Council:— GENTLEMEN,— It is with much satisfaction that I see assembled before me so many respectable individuals to represent the inhabitants of the District of Johnstown as a Municipal Council, and I congratulate them on the wise and judicious use which they have in this respect already made of the new powers conferred on them by the Statute. It may be proper on the present occasion, being the first meeting of the Council of this populous