— . HISTORY OF LEEDS.AND GRENVILLE. 15 wood, Captain John Jones, Lieutenant James Breakenridge, of Roger’s Corps. . The following are notices of Loyalists who settled in Canada: | of the King’s Regiment, cc Joseph Anderson, king [Extended sketches of Loyalists will be found settled at Cornwall, where he died in 1853, aged | among the biographical notes. | ninety." PATENTS GRAN oe RANTED IN ‘ELIZABETHTOWN “David Jones was a captain in the Royal service
ae ville, in 1784, and was the first actual permanent a Lt.-Col. Ebenr. Jessup All goo) Aug. 24th, 1795 —— _ . Settler in the United Counties. He lived on his | 2 7 papi gp many Gu iaas ate |. Sta t00|Dec, Ist, 1797 eee a. ig; | Thomas Jones........ - Mar. ae farm forty-two years, and died, universally respected, 9 |#phraim Jones...... 5 1-2 = ségek oath, he i “aa 181 at the age of eighty-one. 3 |} zasper Stauts....... a [200 Mar. 26th, 1798 a Tet. e ; 45 Bei. . Among the first settlers on the banks of the St. | 2 Susannah Jessup.. .-. All |400|Sept. 4th, 1800 i I E 1-2 : ang . Lawrence, and who took an active part in the war, 18 |Reuben Mott ........ Uend = |foo|May 17th, 1802 B 7 ae were Captain Thomas Frazer, Captain William | E ee eee Wi se eee aoe 7 a . 1-2 3 s ‘Frazer, Lieutenant Solomon Snyder, Lieutenant FW d eon aioe Tes | E 1-2 } fzoolMay bai $902 eS aa Adams, Captain Simon Coville, Captain | = Rah emir fe gé vét zózgetá rag ete | eg. amond, Ensign Dulmage, Ensign Sampson, 31 Abel Coleman... :...:+¢+ W 1-2 100) Mov. 2sth, 1802 ee Lie atenant Patents a 33. |Silas Judson........ - Ft 1-2 100|Mar. 6th, 1798 oe ja n aptain Amberson, Lieutenant 33 oes Ge i PP, Hh I-2 100| Aug. Ioth, 1801 McI ean, Lieutenant Jam 3 34 |John Gardiner........ SE&S W pts|110|Mar. 23rd, 1798 “ito James Campbell, Lieutenant 35 {Alexander Campbell..| W I-2 |100|Sept. 4th, 1800 olonel AI : ay 17 Sh ne exander Campbell, Sergeant Benoni 33 ohn Gardiner, .....] S 1-2 |100)May 17th, 1802 “| Lt.-Col. Ebenr. Jessu 37! j