Doran’s Ass. ~ wise) ONE Paddy Doyle lived in Cork City, | And courted a maid outside Blackpool, His tongue I am sure was tipt with Blarney . Which seemed to him a golden rule ; From day till dawn he watched his colleen, And oft unto himself did say— What need 1 care? sure here is my droleen Coming to meet me on the way. bé aaa ABBÉ RGOKESBES ; Whack fal de da rall ls rall laddie. , vas One heavenly night in last November, | The moon shone gently from above ; What night it was I don’t remember, _»s . But Paddy went to meet his love. That day poor Paddy drank some liquor, d . Which made his spirits light and gay— : 3 Where is the use in walking qnicker ? Dont I know she’ll meet me on the way ? ge “or wee Ss * -He tuned his pipes, and all a humming, : _ Ass slowly onward he did creep ; . But fatigue and whiskey overcame him, . Down he lay and fell asleep. He was not long without a comrade, And one that would give out the pay, For a big Jackass that smelt poor Pat Lay down beside him on the way, As Pat lay there in gentle slumber, Thinking on his little dear, He dreamt of comforts without number, _ Coming on the ensuing year. It’s then he thought it time to rise, With that the Ass began to bray; Then Pat jumped up and opened his eye’s Saying, who served me in such a way? He hugged an smugged his hairy mistress, And threw his old hat without care; — : Says Pat, she’s mine, may the heavens bless her, . — But, by my sowl she’s full of hair. He threw his arms on the grass, His spirits being so light and gay, — eo But instead of Bet he gript the Ass, 4 And he roared, I have her any way. i al aaron P 5 Like wildfire then away he cut, At railway speed, as quick I’m sure ;, He never stoped a leg or foot. . Until he came to Betty’s door, _ a So by that time it was coming morning ; Down on his knees he fell to pray, : Let me in, oh ! Betty darling, : For I am killed and murdered on the way: He up and told her all quite civil, While she prepared a burnt glass, ~ How he hugged and smugged the Devil— Oh! now , says she, it was Doran’s Ass, So I believe it was, says Pat. They both got wed without delay, But he never got his new straw hat The Jackass ate upon the way. ae en ramen em Haly, Printer, 59, South Main St., Corke Trinity College Library Dublin