pepe ei Give ear with patience to what 1 say, . It being a dialogue that has took place, . With 2 weil known gentlemen the other tt... Gay; . his left off branch that belonged to Lu- | a sz: thet, ; ; "1. Hleask edtheother how his creed was wrong 5 ‘He says I’mscoffedat by each vileintruder . $0 between them thus the argument went 4 on. A f : Now my pear friend I wish you will tell | me, = How no salvation ther’s to be found, In no other Church but the roman temple Was I to search the wide world round, Did not our Lord sey to his disciples, N ~My peace unto all of you I leave, Go preach the Gospel and teach all nations Ff hat men of ali sects they may be safed, Vor your conversion 1 will make bold, Our blessed Lord he sent his disciples, : ‘To bring all stray sheep unto one fold, — ge The key of his Chureh he also gave to ae oe Peter, etre Ria! ‘To reign.tryumphant as the Scripture tell And said at all times he would be with her "To defend and guard her from the pains of hell. eo . Now my dear friend the scripture tell as. That graven images shan’t be adored, Which you in worship do daily practice, , If you contradict me Pll say no more, s ; Besides each sunday at devine service, | ." -Jt’s from the parson those words were teld I "That our religion it is the same, 3 cod os Tho Apostles taught in the days of old, Kind sir, to say that we worship images Itis a falshood believe me true, : We only have them within our temples, co To remind us of what they for the Lord : ae . . did do, mee 3 j . "That we may also take patern by them, > For they were pure without spot or stain: ieee eta ‘Then the Imps’of Satan we do defy'them, . “For by their maxims we'll safvation gain’ Kind sir, moreover you did dis¢over, > . That your Person daily does so explore, That your Religion it isthe same, - _ \ a \ Pe Between a Protestant Gentleman, and a Member of the . 5 3 Roman; Catholic, Chutchive. 7 7} : ki wee . You'sons and daughters of each persua- ,The Apostle’s taught in the days of yore : PA danas 2. $n, But where was your Church before Marhn. Lather, <0 Or the reformation had first began, "It was Bess and Neddy with old Harry Tuder, Ose Oat eas For lust invented that wicked plau. | Now friend there’s still another objection I have to make to the Roman Creed, That is the Doctrine you call confession, By which the Catholic’s from sin is freed, — I don’t believe it that the Almighty, = E’er gave the power unto any man, / Of forgiving sins by confessing truly, As faith alone is our only plan, | = on Kind sir, that question is easy answered, If you peruse the 6th chapter of James, aoe Where our blessed Lord his disciples ordered " Yo confess their sins the proof is very plain When the keys to Peter and his Priests. were given, > To lock and unlock the gates of Heaven, Saying whose sins you shall releese the are set free, ~ : ti 3 ' And whose sing you shall retain, retained shall be ; Now my friend you can’t tell me it’s a liable For saying that you have no rule of faith, — Where in you know that we have the Bible By which we're guided early and late, Will it not lead a men to salvation, As it surely is Gods written word, For to confute me in this dictation Um sure you cannot be so absured. To be your regular rule of faith, Where by that it is so well corruped, 1 ose From this reformation present to the date ‘By Martin Luther and old Cranmer too, So by that answer you are confated, 7 As a correct copy you have not it’s true, Now friend 1 find that ell your objections,’ Unto my questions are very trac, ~ Besides your ruié of faith is the perfects ene So whilst 1 live 1 will it persue, I see it plainly end very clearly, - ig ‘There’s but one lord, one faith, « church elone, : 3 Go with a heart-felt joy to embr: