Hes TORIC GARDENS’: OF VIRGINIA Er — szi Ta ati e ladies of the household, looking on at the animated scene. These were familiar sights at Tedington during the old-time harvests. Today all of this is changed. Almost every one of the former slaves have passed into the great beyond, and Tedington has been divided up to consist of five farms of one thousand acres each. In the harvest fields the metallic click of the reaper is heard instead of the swish of the old-time cradles. But many of the older inhabitants around the neighborhood recall the days when the former owners of I edington lived like kings. At that time the walls of the old house were decorated with portraits painted by English masters; the polished dining-room table shone with silver and cut glass; the great wheat crop was loaded aboard vessels by means of an elevator, said to be the first in the country, and the owners of the old plantation ruled a little principality. J. M. BELL. [34]