HisToRic ‘GARDENS AR VANG ENTA am me — = a ök — A 1 TETT E = ne nS EE — töm — s zzz aie — — —= — The hardy bulbs, known to our grandmothers as butter and eggs, poet's narcissi and squills, are found in places where no house has stood for a century, loyal mementoes of cottage and farmstead leveled as progress marched into the town. As a last word—let me beg you—when the cares of a restless existence are burdening too heavily the broad, though pessimistic, shoulders of today—throw them aside for a glimpse into Eden, and go to old Williamsburg when the daftodils that carpet each lawn and garden are bursting into the season’s bloom, and the birds which share the old churchyard with the country’s most illustrious dead are caroling the joy of living. Go where each flower face will tell you of the making of history, then dream in the sunshine of that romantic age. And when you leave the appealing little town you may repeat to yourself the words of one who has studied its past, played a part in its present and appreciated its beauties as can only those who call this little city home. Intangible, but real; invisible, but ever present, the spirit of the days of long ago haunts and hallows the ancient city and the homes of its honored dead; a spirit that stirs the memory and fires the imagination; a spirit that will, we trust, illumine the judgment of those who have entered upon the rich inheritance of the past and lead them to guard these ancient landmarks and resist the spirit of ruthless innovation which threatens to rob the city of its unique distinction and its charm." EDITH DABNEY TUNIS SALE. | 26 |